Buenos Aires, November 2019
Australian Brangus Cattle Association
We are pleased to contact you to invite you to participate in the Brangus World Congress -
Argentina 2020.
The gathering will take place between April 15th and 24th 2020 and the program is scheduled as
follows: from April 15th to 20th visits to livestock establishments with different production systems that will highlight the distinctive characteristics of Argentine Brangus. And from April 21st to 24th an International Exhibition at the Corrientes Exhibition Fairgrounds where we expect more than 500 pedigree animals from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil, among other countries.
The Argentine Brangus Association assumes the commitment and honour of organizing this world-class event with the valuable support of the Ministry of Production of Corrientes.
It is essential to have the support and active participation of all the members of the Brangus world in order to achieve the desired success of this Congress.
The opportunities that are offered in the international market at this time, in terms of meat trade, must be exploited to the maximum. Our region is the biggest ecosystem that will be able to supply a growing demand and the Brangus breed must be a preponderant part of this process.
With the belief of generating a platform oriented to create reliability and common goals to all Brangus breeders, we invite you and commend you to actively participate with Brangus breeders of the whole world.
We count on and look forward to your valuable participation.
Kind regards,
Victor Narvajas Nosiglia
Argentine Brangus Association
Martín Goldstein
President Organizing Committee
World Brangus Congress 2020